Complete the information pertaining to your prospective scholar. Once your inquiry has been reviewed, you will receive information pertaining to our tour schedule and completion of the enrollment process. You may schedule a tour from this portal as well.
Join Our Nest
K3 and K4: Students must be 3 or 4 years of age on or before September 30th and must be fully potty trained.
Students must be 5 years of age at the time attendance begins. New students are not accepted after the 1st Semester.
1st Grade – 5th Grade: Students must meet the following requirements – Must have successfully completed the previous grade; Must provide a copy of their most recent report card; Must provide a copy of standardized test scores; Must successfully complete an entrance exam and screening; DCA will request a referral from the prospective scholar’s previous school. New students are not accepted after the 1st Semester.
K3- K4
Admissions Eligibility
K2: Students must be 24 months old and must have begun the potty training process or be fully potty trained. Students will not be permitted to matriculate to the 3 year old program unless they are fully potty trained.
Infants- K1
Must be 6 weeks at the time of enrollment
Contingent upon eligibility, students may be accepted on a 60 day probationary status or denied enrollment into the academy.
The Enrollment Application and Fee Agreements are not meant to serve as contracts guaranteeing service for any duration of enrollment.
Destiny Christian Academy reserves the right to dismiss any parent or child at any time with or without cause.
Continued enrollment at DCA is contingent upon the parent’s, emergency contact persons’ and child’s adherence to the policies and procedures of DCA as outlined in this handbook including, but not limited to, timely payment of all fees and tuition.
Destiny Christian Academy admits students of any race, color, nationality, or ethnic origin to all rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the academy. The Academy does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, nationality or ethnic origin, administration of its educational policies, scholarship programs, and other school administered programs.
In cases involving children who are emotionally, mentally, or physically handicapped or have been previously diagnosed as having severe learning disabilities, we will request a conference with the parent/guardian and the Executive Director. This is required to assess the ability of the Academy to provide the necessary services prior to accepting the child into our academic program. At the conference, the parents/guardians will provide appropriate medical documentation of diagnosis and prognosis, as well as the medical and special needs of the child in an educational environment. While enrolled in the academy, students diagnosed as having emotional, behavior, or learning disabilities may be administratively withdrawn from the academy.
Prospective scholars entering 1st – 5th grade may be required to complete an entrance exam and screening prior to admittance into the academy.
Applicants to our academy must provide the following information:
1. Completed Registration Application
2. Specified Fees (enrollment, registration, uniform, tuition, etc.)
3. Signed Agreements
4. Birth Certificate
5. Current Immunization Record Form 3231
6. Hearing/Vision/Dental Screening Form 3300 (Elementary Only)
BIRTH CERTIFICATE/PROOF OF IDENTITY: A certified birth certificate or US passport must be submitted as proof of identity of each student at the time of registration or 30 days after enrollment. Failure to comply will result in termination of enrollment.
CURRENT IMMUNIZATION FORM 3231: Georgia State Law indicates that school administration is prohibited from admitting new students without an updated record of immunization. Each student entering the academy for the first time must submit Form 3231 which proves the student has been tested for and protected against diseases specified by the Director of Public Health. If a student’s Certificate of Immunization expires during the school year, the parent has 30 days to present an updated certificate. Failure to comply will result in termination of enrollment. Destiny Christian Academy utilizes GRITS to verify current immunization status.
HEARING, VISION & DENTAL SCREENING FORM 3300: Elementary students are required to present a Hearing, Vision, and Dental screening form (Form 3300) at the time of registration or no later than 30 days after enrollment. This form may be completed by the student’s pediatrician or your local health department. Failure to comply will result in termination of enrollment.